Friday, April 13, 2018
by Julie Roman
I always hold my breath on December 1st and then exhale on the first day of March. As a seasonal business when we start to approach our busy season, we are excited and nervous about what lies ahead. This winter presented quite a challenge with that record cold spell. I wish I could go back and warn myself in December but maybe I was better off not knowing. As the weather gets warmer, I have time to reflect on the winter and evaluate what went well and what I need to do to improve next year. Read more »

Monday, September 26, 2016
by Julie Roman
Whether you just moved into a new home or have decided to shop for a new oil company, the decision can be overwhelming.The key to building a lasting relationship starts with finding the right company that fits your needs. Finding the right company ultimately means deciding if you want to work with a full service company or a cash company. Read more »

Tuesday, April 26, 2016
by Julie Roman
The decision to lock in your heating oil price comes down to knowing your risk tolerance and then choosing a pricing program that meets your needs. Read more »

Monday, April 25, 2016
by Kevin Roman
When your home has no heat, Roman Oil will always be there to help, but there are a few ways you can check your heating system in the meantime. Read more »
